Each individual has two kidneys positioned above the waist. Kidneys are bean-shaped organs that are reddish-brown in colour and around the size of a fist. Each kidney has a million filtering units called nephrons which help filter the blood.
How do kidneys work?
Blood enters into your kidneys
Kidneys filter toxins from the blood
Waste material passes through the ureter
Urine passes out of the body through urethra
Stored in the bladder as urine for upto 8 hours
Functions of kidney
Types of kidney Diseases
Acute Kidney Injury (AKI)
or Acute Renal Failure
It occurs when the kidneys suddenly stop
working or stop filtering waste products
from the blood. AKI could occur due to:
Direct damage to the kidneys.
Urine backed up in the kidneys.
Not enough blood flow to the kidneys.
Chronic Kidney Disease
or Chronic Renal Disease
In Chronic kidney disease (CKD), the
kidneys are damaged which reduces
their ability to filter the blood. It is called
“chronic kidney disease”, as the kidney
function gets worse overtime.
About 115.1 million people in India are affected by CKD.
CKD causes around 1.2 million deaths worldwide.
The prevalence of CKD was 17.2% with ~6% people having CKD stage 3 or worse.
Signs & Symptoms of kidney Diseases
Swelling or edema in legs, feet, hands or face
Chest pain
Increase or decreased urination
Feeling tired
Sleep problems
Trouble concentrating
Muscle cramps
Dry or itchy skin
Loss of appetite
Risk factors
Have diabetes
Have high blood pressure or heart disease
Have a family history of kidney disease
Risk increases with age, people over 60 years of age are at higher risk
Have a long history of taking painkillers such as aspirin & ibuprofen
8 GOLDEN RULES TO KEEP YOUR kidneys healthy
1. Keep fit, Be active
2. Eat a healthy diet
3. Check and control your blood sugar
4. Check and control your blood pressure
5. Take appropriate fluid intake
6. Don’t smoke
7. Don't take over the counter medications
8. Get your kidney function checked regularly
Source – www.worldkidneyday.org, www.kidney.org, www.niddk.nih.gov.